Concurrent programming is a very difficult problem to tackle. The fundamental issue is that manual locking is not composable , which is to say that if you have two concurrent programs P0 and P1 free of deadlocks, livelocks and other concurrency hazards, and you try to compose P0 and P1 to create a program P2, P2 may not be free of concurrency hazards. For instance, if P0 and P1 take two locks in different orders, then P2 will deadlock. Needless to say, this is a serious problem because composition is the cornerstone of all programming. I've been toying with some ideas for software transactional memory (STM) in C# ever since I started playing with FRP and reactive programming in general. The problem in all of these domains is fundamentally about how to handle concurrent updates to shared state, and how to reconcile multiple, possibly conflicting updates to said state. Rx.NET handles concurrency essentially by removing the identity inherent to shared state. An IObservable<T&g