I recently realized that I had missed one important class in the core Sasa.dll assembly, so my blog series isn't technically complete. So here's my twenty-fourth post in the series: Sasa.Func - Type-Safe Delegate Combinators Sasa.Option - Handling Optional Values Sasa.Result - Handling Exceptional Values Sasa.Numbers - Generic Number Extensions Sasa.Strings - General String Extensions Sasa.Types - Runtime Types And CLR Metadata Sasa.Weak - Typed Weak References Sasa's Tuples Sasa's Core Interfaces Sasa.Events - Type-Safe, Null-Safe, Thread-Safe Events Sasa.Web.Url64 - URL-Safe Base64 Encoding Sasa.Operators<*> - Generic Arithmetic and Logical Operators Sasa.IO.FilePath - Easy and Safe Path Manipulations Sasa.IO.Streams - Convenient Stream Extensions Sasa.Linq.Enumerables - Extensions on IEnumerable<T> Sasa.Either - Simple Sums for .NET Sasa.Atomics - Simpler, More Scalable Atomic Operations Sasa.Collections.Arrays - Purely Functional Array