I've written about quite a few irritations of C#/CLR, including asymmetries in CIL , oddly unverifiable CIL instructions , certain type constraints are forbidden for no reason , delegate creation bugs , the lack of higher-kinded types , equality asymmetries between events and IObservable , generics/type parameter problems , lack of usable control over object layouts , and just overall limitations of the CLR VM . I've just smack into yet another annoying problem: type parameter unification is forbidden . The Microsoft Connect bug filed in 2004 was closed as By Design . Here's a simple code fragment demonstrating the problem: class ObserveTwo<T0, T1> : IObservable<T0>, IObservable<T1> { } This will fail with the error: 'ObserveTwo<T0,T1>' cannot implement both 'System.IObservable<T0>' and 'System.IObservable<T1>' because they may unify for some type parameter substitutions This is frankly nonsense. What's...