I recently came across Vance Morrison's blog post on the relative costs of dynamic type tests on the CLR, and I was struck by how much my experience differed from the results he received. In past tests, I had concluded that operations and comparisons using System.Type were just as fast as operations on System.RuntimeTypeHandle . This struck me as a little odd at the time, but numbers don't lie. Vance helpfully provided the code he used for his benchmarks, so I decided to see if perhaps I was mistaken. Lo and behold, the numbers I received from running his code matched my past results, ie. RuntimeTypeHandle provided no advantage. This seemed extremely odd, and after digging a little deeper, it turns out that Vance and I are both right. I've been doing most of my development on 64-bit x64 machines, and I suspect Vance was running x86 at the time. It turns out that the x64 runtime for the CLR is woefully underperforming when compared to x86, at least for this type of code...