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Showing posts from November, 2013

First-Class Slots for .NET

Yesterday, I posted about the new extension of IRef<T> to arbitrary reference semantics for the CLR, including referencing inner fields, properties, and array slots. First-class references make it simple to operate on specific mutable data without caring about the underlying type of that data. I just pushed another abstraction that handles a related, but different case: first-class slots . ISlot<T> An object "slot" is a value that designates a mutable location of a specific class of values, not a mutable location of a specific instance like first-class references. Where first-class references hide the underlying object type, slots expose the object type and allow you to mutate the slots of multiple objects at once, as long as they are subtypes of the slot's object type. Here's the declaration of ISlot&ltT>: public interface ISlot<TObj, T> { T Get(TObj obj); T Set(TObj obj, T value); } As you can see, the object we're man...

First-Class References for .NET

References in C# are second-class citizens, which is to say, that you cannot pass them around as values. They can appear in function parameter position, but that's it: public static void DoFoo(ref int value) { Action captureRef = () => value = 3; // ERROR: ref can't escape scope } This makes it easy to verify their safety statically, and makes them very efficient, but it somewhat limits their expressiveness. First-class citizens can be passed around as values, and otherwise used in any way that you'd use any other object. The above capture would work, for instance. To make references first-class citizens means constructing an object that exposes get and set operations, and that can reference the internals of any .NET type. IRef<T> Sasa has had the IRef<T> type for quite some time, but its full potential as a first-class reference hasn't been realized. There was only a single implementation, and that was a simple mutable slot as found in ML. I...

Degenerate Implicits in C#

Scala and Haskell both have very useful type-directed concepts for resolving implicit function parameters, called "implicits" and "type classes" respectively. To illustrate the impact of this, consider a generic sorting function like Enumerable.OrderBy . It must define two overloads, one that takes a custom comparer, and one that does not and so should use a default comparison for type TKey: public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource, TKey>( this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, IComparer<TKey> comparer ) public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource, TKey>( this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector ) While it's simple to define the second overload as calling the first with Comparer<TKey>.Default for the custom comparer, in general, for N overridable parameters, you would need to define something like f...