This is the sixth post in my ongoing series covering the abstractions in Sasa. Previous posts:
- Sasa.Parsing - type-safe, extensible lexing and parsing framework
- Sasa.Dynamics - type-safe polytypic/reflective programming
- Sasa.Func - Type-Safe Delegate Combinators
- Sasa.Option - Handling Optional Values
- Sasa.Result - Handling Exceptional Values
The Sasa.Numbers static class provides a number of useful extensions methods on all of the CLR's number types. It is available in the core Sasa.dll.
Generating a sequence of numbers is a pretty common operation in programming, so there's a special overload extension called Sasa.Numbers.UpTo:
// iseq = 1, 2, 3 IEnumerable<int> iseq = 1.UpTo(end: 4); // iseq2 = 1, 3, 5, 7 IEnumerable<int> iseq2 = 1.UpTo(end: 8, step: 2); // dseq = 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 IEnumerable<double> dseq = 5.0.UpTo(end: 7.5, step: 0.5);
The simplest overload simply takes the inclusive lower and exclusive upper bounds for the sequence, and the second overload additionally takes a step size designating the increment between each number emitted.
These are defined as generic methods which make use of Sasa.Operators<T>, Sasa's generic operators class.
Sasa.Numbers.DownTo is the complement to Sasa.Numbers.UpTo, where instead of generating a sequence of increasing numbers, it generates a sequence of decreasing numbers:
// iseq = 4, 3, 2 IEnumerable<int> iseq = 4.DownTo(end: 1); // iseq2 = 8, 6, 4, 2 IEnumerable<int> iseq2 = 8.DownTo(end: 1, step: 2); // dseq = 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5 IEnumerable<double> dseq = 7.5.DownTo(end: 5.0, step: 0.5);
The simplest overload simply takes the inclusive upper and exclusive lower bounds for the sequence, and the second overload additionally takes a step size designating the decrement between each number emitted.
These are defined as generic methods which make use of Sasa.Operators<T>, Sasa's generic operators class.
The Sasa.Numbers.Bounds extension method ensures that a value falls between lower and upper inclusive limits:
int x = 3.Bound(0, 5); // x=3 int y = 99.Bound(0, 5); // y=5 double z = 3.0.Bound(4.4, 5.7); // z=4.4
This is defined as a generic method which makes use of Sasa.Operators<T>, Sasa's generic operators class.
The Sasa.Numbers.Max extension method returns the larger between two arguments it's given:
int x = Numbers.Max(3, 88); // x=88 decimal d = Numbers.Max(234M, 8M); // d=234M
This is defined as a generic method which makes use of Sasa.Operators<T>, Sasa's generic operators class.
The complement to Max, the Sasa.Numbers.Min extension method returns the smaller of two arguments:
int x = Numbers.Min(3, 88); // x=3 decimal d = Numbers.Min(234M, 8M); // d=8M
This is defined as a generic method which makes use of Sasa.Operators<T>, Sasa's generic operators class.
The Sasa.Numbers.ToSentence method converts an integer to its English sentence representation:
var list = new[] { 3, 99, -99, int.MinValue }; foreach (var x in list) { Console.WriteLine(Numbers.ToSentence(x)); } // outputs: // Three // Ninety Nine // Minus Ninety Nine // Minus Two Billion One Hundred Fourty Seven Million Four Hundred Eighty Three Thousand Six Hundred Fourty Eight